As I have travelled across this country, and the world, over these last 44 years, I have found many thoughts and fears about the Judgment of God. I believe it is my responsibility to the Lord, to steward to the House of God, that which our Father has taught me and used me in this area.
You must understand His preface with me. I knew He did not agree with anything I said, thought, or did. I told Him honestly, I would like to serve Him and do right, but I do not see any way that is going to happen. I have been kicked out of everything I ever joined and messed up everything I had set my hands to.
Of course, He knows everything I did, but I had to, and you must also, be honest with Him. He replied, “I can fix up more than you can mess up.” Shocked, I responded, “then if You will have me, You got me. I ask You to be God to me. Show me Your Glory and Your Power, and I will do anything You want me to do, and I don’t care what it is.”
He began teaching me by His Spirit and I stood ready to avenge all disobedience in my life as soon as He showed it to me. My heart, my life, my family, everything about our lives began to change and prosper. One day, He said to me, “You need to do a study about Judgment.” I assured Him that I did not need to study about Judgment, that I was finished with sin. I had rather die than to go back into the mess You have brought me out of. He replied, “The reason you are afraid of Judgment is because you were always on the wrong side of it. Now that you are on the right side of Judgment you need to understand it.”
Judgment Brings Salvation: Jn 12:23, 31-32
He pointed out to me, “You preach the cross and Resurrection for man’s salvation, and rightly so, for so it is. But you never emphasize that I had to judge the world to do that.” All through the Scriptures we see how God has done this. There Is no Salvation without Judgment. “You preach the cross and Resurrection for man’s salvation, and rightly so, for so it is. But you never emphasize that I had to judge the world to do that.” All through the Scriptures we see how God has done this. There Is no Salvation without Judgment.
23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man
should be glorified.
This is a profound statement we must understand today. God, Who Inhabits Eternity, created this world as we know it today, in an envelope of time. It has a Beginning, and it has an End. He is the Alpha and the Omega. This timeline is also divided into times. Each of these appointed times, have a beginning, a purpose, and an end. Jesus affirms, “the Hour” is come. What hour is that? that the Son of man “should be” Glorified.
Man had lived on the earth approximately 4,000 years when Jesus said this. “The Son of man Glorified,” what does that mean? No man had heard of such a thing, but this time and this event was predestined by God before the foundation of the world. Thus, Jesus asserts that the Son of man “should be,” Glorified. God, our Creator, the Eternal One, predestined the Son of man to be Glorified, at a set time, and for a definite purpose.
God, our Faithful Creator, Predestined the Son of man to be Glorified from before the foundation of the world, so that the sons of men should be adopted as children unto God by Christ Jesus. It must be fulfilled in the fulness of God’s set time. I point out that Jesus did not come to earth to die. If He did, He would still be dead. He partook of flesh and blood so that the Son of man could be Glorified.
In this context Jesus affirms, “Now is the Judgment of this world. Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” I think we should ask, “Really! Who says so?” Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Ok, I believe everything He says! I know Him. He is True! You can count on whatever He says, but He doesn’t stop there.
He went on to say, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” My next question is, Who has the power to judge this world? Only One. The Eternal, the Creator, the Righteous Judge of all, the Creator of the ends of the earth. God ordained this to happen in a period of time He calls, “the last days.”
I point out to you that He Judged the prince of this world not mankind. Christ paid the penalty for man’s sins so He could destroy satan for his sin. Jesus is calling all men to receive forgiveness of their sins and repentance. You can’t save yourself from your sin, but you can save yourself from this godless, faithless, perverse, world system. Be baptized in the Name of Jesus and receive the Holy Ghost. He will show you the Glory of Christ and the Kingdom of God.
I will stop here, but will continue to share other things the Lord has spoken to me about God’s Judgment.