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  • Ricky Musgrove

The Triangle of the End

The Triangle of the End

The year was 1981, three years after I was baptized with the Holy Spirit. I was attending a believer’s meeting and during one of the sessions this brother was teaching when suddenly the Holy Spirit came upon him, and he went from teaching to prophesying. The Spirit of God came upon me in a strong, tangible presence. He spoke to me saying, “Mark this prophecy. You are going to need to know it.” I replied, “I don’t know how to mark a prophecy, and I have no clue what he is talking about.”

I never thought about this experience again, until 2004, 23 years later. One day in prayer the Holy Spirit brought this prophecy to my remembrance saying to me, “Since that time he has written a Book. I want you to look in his book and find that prophecy.” I remembered that He told me that I was going to need to know it. I did find it.

This is not prophecy today. This is where we are in time. We must know what the Lord is doing in this hour and be as the five wise virgins having our loins gird about and our lamps full of oil.

God inhabits Eternity. He has created this world as man knows it today, in an envelope of time. This world has a beginning and an end. This timeline is divided into times, or dispensations of God’s grace towards man. Each time has a beginning and an end.

The Eternal One, predestined in this time, which He calls ‘the last days,’ to adopt the children of men as His children by Christ Jesus. This time began when Jesus arose in Glory to ratify God’s New, Eternal Covenant and Kingdom reformation.

Jesus is calling all men, everywhere, to come unto Him, to receive His forgiveness of their sins and repentance. He gives us power, by His Holy Spirit, to be born a son of God. He gives us a new, Spiritual, birth, to know God personally, as our Heavenly Father.

In this prophecy that the Lord told me I needed to know, The Holy Spirit called this time we are walking in today, the Triangle of the End. It is like pouring liquid into a funnel. The pressure is at the bottom end of the funnel. Time is caught in this vortex. Time and prophecy are being compressed, coming faster and closer, faster and closer. All of God’s prophecy will be fulfilled in its appointed time.

In the vision the Lord gave of this prophecy, we see that everything inside the triangle is Light while all that is outside of the triangle is dark. In the middle of this triangle at the top, straight down to the point at the end of this time, a line is drawn. The Holy Spirit said this line is “the precept of God’s word.”

You could have been out to the ends of the triangle in the beginning and still be in the Light. But if you have not moved closer to the precept of God’s Word, as you come to the end of this time, you see that you are no longer in the Light but in the dark.

You ask, “how can that be?” Because Revelation from God is time released. It is revealed to the generation that must know it and walk in it. It is not enough to simply read the bible; we must have spiritual understanding, so we can walk with the Lord in the Revelation the Holy Spirit reveals to us. (Heb 11:39-40, 12:22-24)

The religious and politically institutionalized nation of Israel was not ready for Christ when He came the first time. He came anyway. It was the fulness of His appointed time. (Gal 4:4-6)

Because the religious institution had no revelation of God, they missed their time of visitation when Jesus walked and worked the works of God in their midst. The nation was judged in 70AD because they did not receive Messiah when He came the first time.

Today Christ is pouring out His Spirit for 2 reasons. He is raising up a Victorious and Powerful Church, while at the same time, it is ushering in His return. Christ’s return is sooner that we think. We must not miss the time of our visitation.

This time will end with the Body of Christ being one in the perfect will of God. Those who oppose what He has predestined that He will do, having their own agenda, or those of others, will be dealt with swiftly because of the time and what must happen.

There is coming a great harvest of souls all over the world.

Nothing will stay the same in this time. Therefore, we must not stay the same.

We must not continue in our own preferences, beliefs, doctrines, or ideas.

We must rend our hearts and come to Him. Let Him change us, heal us, and get us ready for His return. We must come out of the dark and into the Light.

Holy Unto the Lord –

Let me tell you what the Lord told me in a time of visitation what is Holy in His Sight – for a person to open wide his heart to Him and say to Him – have Your way in my life. I want to know You.

I assure you that you can trust Him.

He will protect your heart; your open heart is Holy unto Him.

He died to pay the penalty for your sins,

He Lives to show you His Salvation for every area of your life and into Eternity.



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